Kamala Lochan: Even small acts of kindness never go wasted, that is exactly what the world needs to become a better place. Today we are here with the story of Shri Kamala Lochan who is giving the world more than he himself has. When you give something you need to someone who wants it more than you do, that is a great act of generosity. For instance, if you were hungry, would you share your meal with someone else? Maybe most people wouldn’t do it and even when they have resources through which they can buy a meal for themselves again. But the story of Kamala Lochan is a bit different, he is one of a kind.
So, who is he? A homeless person named Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh resides on the roads of Bhubaneswar, Odisha. This 60-year-old man sleeps on the sidewalk and does a task that pays him nothing whatsoever, picking rags, cans, and bottles at the railway station. Despite being a homeless man and poor and starving himself, He makes it a priority to feed his stray animals every day.
Having experienced the worst kind of hardship, he has spent the past three decades ensuring that stray canines nearby do not go to sleep on an empty stomach. He is one of the richest persons the world has known when measured by love and kindness! Although for the world Lochan is another homeless rag picker, for the nearby dogs on the railway station of Bhubaneshwar, he is the Messiah who makes sure they don’t go to sleep hungry even if that means that he has to.