Cafe Positive: Where Life Brews Along With Coffee

Cafe Positive, as the name suggests, is one of the most unique cafes in the world. One of its kind, Cafe Positive is located in South Kolkata and is completely managed by young people who are HIV-positive. They are tirelessly working to lessen the stigma associated with HIV and serve as role models for other HIV-positive people by being self-sufficient both financially and socially.

The founder of Cafe Positive, Kallol Ghosh, who is lovingly referred to as uncle or father by the workers also briefly worked for the UN and the Ministry of Human Resources Development. His life experiences inspired him to help HIV-positive people. With his resources and money raised by his friends, he founded an organization called OFFER. It is a youth-led movement that defends people who have been shunned by society as a result of getting HIV/AIDS. The young children that get the illness are housed in a child care facility managed by OFFER. When they reach the age of 18, they receive training to become a productive employee of the café that provides its customers with delectable dishes.

Ghosh says that If individuals consume coffee made by HIV+ persons, it is hoped that this will dispel any stigma or misperception that society has about those who are infected. These individuals have experienced severe prejudice and are generally traumatized. Therefore, Café Positive is reaching out and inspiring people who are reluctant to take the stage by providing them with skill-based training.

Kallol not only makes sure that they work here but also makes sure they get proper living conditions, get well paid and have access to education, healthcare, and so on. People often see HIV Positive people as someone untouchable, and unwanted. They are neither accepted in society nor by their families. But this venture of Ghosh is working towards transforming their lives. Ghosh also says that people used to be wary about purchasing from them in the past. However, attitudes have evolved. Their stall which is based in a garage is often busy, and the available space is now insufficient.

With the recognition of eminent personalities and government, Cafe Positive has now received huge funding and proper space as well. According to the founder, if things go well, they would soon be opening their joint in one of the largest malls in Kolkata. In the recent past, the cafe has not only rolled out new dishes but also hosted some of the popular celebs of India such as Virat Kohli, Sourav Ganguly, etc. Thus making a mark.

If you’re in Kolkata and close to Cafe Positive, you should check out their sandwiches and pastries in addition to their coffee. For those who are on the verge of losing all sense of what life is all about, every bite and drink will be a step in the right direction. Your contribution to Cafe Positive will contribute to making a change in society.

Recite You
Recite You

Recite You is a platform where we are hand picking Excellence across the world, amazing humans and their extraordinary achievements. We speak about their journeys and how they came to where they are today. The most crucial part of any success story is the “struggle” that goes behind it.